
Bible Usage:
- First Reference: Genesis 49:7
- Last Reference: Hebrews 11:36
- Included in Eastons: No
- Included in Hitchcocks: No
- Included in Naves: No
- Included in Smiths: No
- Included in Websters: Yes
- Included in Strongs: Yes
- Included in Thayers: No
- Included in BDB: Yes
Strongs Concordance:
- H2555 Used 1 time
- H2556 Used 1 time
- H393 Used 3 times
- H394 Used 8 times
- H395 Used 1 time
- H7185 Used 1 time
- H7186 Used 2 times
CRUEL, adjective [Latin See Crude and Rude.]
1. Disposed to give pain to others, in body or mind; willing or pleased to torment, vex or afflict; inhuman; destitute of pity, compassion or kindness; fierce; ferocious; savage; barbarous; hardhearted; applied to persons or their dispositions.
They are cruel and have no mercy. Jeremiah 6:23.
2. Inhuman; barbarous; savage; causing pain, grief or distress; exerted in tormenting, vexing or afflicting.
Cursed be their wrath, for it was cruel Genesis 44:1.
The tender mercies of the wicked are cruel Proverbs 12:10.
Others had trials of cruel mockings. Hebrews 11:36.
CRUELLY, adverb
1. In a cruel manner; with cruelty; inhumanly; barbarously.
Because he cruelly oppressed, he shall die in his iniquity. Ezekiel 18:18.
2. Painfully; with severe pain, or torture; as, an instrument may cut the flesh most cruelly
CRUELNESS, noun Inhumanity; cruelty.
Instances of:
Of Sarah to Hagar
Genesis 16:6; Genesis 21:9-14
Of Egyptians to the Israelites
Exodus 5:6-18
Of Peninnah to Hannah
1 Samuel 1:4-7; 1 Samuel 2:3
Of Jews to Jesus
Matthew 26:67; Matthew 27:28-31
Of soldiers to Jesus
Luke 22:64; John 19:3
In War
Isaiah 13:16; Isaiah 13:18
Animals, Cruelty to; Kindness; Love; Malice; Prisoners, Of War
CRUELTY, noun [Latin]
1. Inhumanity; a savage or barbarous disposition or temper, which is gratified in giving unnecessary pain or distress to others; barbarity; applied to persons; as the cruelty of savages; the cruelty and envy of the people.
2. Barbarous deed; any act of a human being which inflicts unnecessary pain; any act intended to torment, vex or afflict, or which actually torments or afflicts, without necessity; wrong; injustice; oppression.
With force and with cruelty have ye ruled them. Ezekiel 34:4.

Bible Usage:
- First Reference: Genesis 49:7
- Last Reference: Hebrews 11:36
- Included in Eastons: No
- Included in Hitchcocks: No
- Included in Naves: No
- Included in Smiths: No
- Included in Websters: Yes
- Included in Strongs: Yes
- Included in Thayers: No
- Included in BDB: Yes
Strongs Concordance:
- H2555 Used 1 time
- H2556 Used 1 time
- H393 Used 3 times
- H394 Used 8 times
- H395 Used 1 time
- H7185 Used 1 time
- H7186 Used 2 times