
Bible Usage:
- First Reference: Exodus 27:1
- Last Reference: Matthew 23:5
- Included in Eastons: No
- Included in Hitchcocks: No
- Included in Naves: No
- Included in Smiths: No
- Included in Websters: Yes
- Included in Strongs: Yes
- Included in Thayers: Yes
- Included in BDB: Yes
Strongs Concordance:
- H2948 Used 1 time
- H7341 Used 22 times
- H7342 Used 4 times
- H7554 Used 1 time
- H7555 Used 1 time
- G2149 Used 1 time
- G4115 Used 1 time
BROAD, adjective brawd. [Latin gradior; a root of extensive use.]
1. Wide; extended in breadth, or from side to side, as distinguished from long, or extended from end to end. It is opposed to narrow; as a broad street; a broad table.
2. Wide; extensive; vast; as the broad expanse of ocean.
3. Large; as a broad mixture of falsehood.
4. Open; clear; not covered, confined or concealed; as in broad sunshine.
5. Gross; coarse; as broad mirth; broad nonsense.
6. Plain; tending to obscenity; as a broad comment.
7. Bold; not delicate; not reserved; as broad words.
8. Comprehensive.
It may be urged that the words in the constitution are broad enough to include the case.
BROAD as long, equal upon the whole.
BROAD-AX, noun [broad and ax.] Formerly, a military weapon. In modern usage, an ax for hewing timber.
BROAD-BACKED, adjective [broad and back.] Having a broad back.
BROAD-BLOWN, adjective [broad and blow.] Full blown.
BROAD-BREASTED, adjective Having a broad breast.
BROAD-BRIMMED, adjective [broad and brim.] Having a broad brim.
BROAD-CAST, noun [broad and cast.] Among farmers, a casting or throwing seed from the hand for dispersion in sowing.
BROAD-CAST, adverb By scattering or throwing at large from the hand; as, to sow broad-cast
BROAD-CAST, adjective Cast or dispersed upon the ground with the hand, as seed in sowing; opposed to planting in hills or rows.
BROAD-CLOTH, noun A species of woolen cloth, so called from its breadth.
BROADEN, verb intransitive brawd'n. To grow broad. [Unusual.]
BROAD-EYED, adjective [broad and eye.] Having a wide view or survey; as broad-eyed day.
BROAD-FRONTED, adjective Having a broad front; applied to cattle.
BROAD-HORNED, adjective Having large horns.
BROAD'ISH, adjective Rather broad.
BROAD-LEAFED, adjective [broad and leaf.] Having broad leaves.
BROAD-PIECE, noun [broad and piece.] A piece of gold coin broader than a guinea.
BROADLY, adverb In a broad manner.
BROADNESS, noun Breadth; extent from side to side; coarseness; grossness; fulsomeness.
BROAD-SEAL, noun The great seal of England; as a verb, not used.
BROAD-SHOULDERED, adjective [broad and shoulder.] Broad across the shoulders.
BROAD-SIDE, noun [broad and side.] A discharge of all the guns on one side of a ship, above and below, at the same time.
1. The side of a ship, above the water, from the bow to the quarter.
2. In printing, a sheet of paper containing one large page, or printed on one side only.
BROAD-SPREADING, adjective Spreading widely.
BROAD-SWORD, noun [broad and sword.] A sword with a broad blade, and a cutting edge.
BROAD-TAILED, adjective Having a broad tail.
BROAD-WISE, adverb [broad and wise.] In the direction of the breadth.

Bible Usage:
- First Reference: Exodus 27:1
- Last Reference: Matthew 23:5
- Included in Eastons: No
- Included in Hitchcocks: No
- Included in Naves: No
- Included in Smiths: No
- Included in Websters: Yes
- Included in Strongs: Yes
- Included in Thayers: Yes
- Included in BDB: Yes
Strongs Concordance:
- H2948 Used 1 time
- H7341 Used 22 times
- H7342 Used 4 times
- H7554 Used 1 time
- H7555 Used 1 time
- G2149 Used 1 time
- G4115 Used 1 time