
Bible Usage:
- correct used 7 times.
- corrected used twice.
- correcteth used twice.
- First Reference: Psalms 39:11
- Last Reference: Jeremiah 46:28
- Included in Eastons: No
- Included in Hitchcocks: No
- Included in Naves: No
- Included in Smiths: No
- Included in Websters: Yes
- Included in Strongs: Yes
- Included in Thayers: No
- Included in BDB: Yes
Strongs Concordance:
CORRECT, adjective [Latin , to set right; right, straight. See Right.] Literally, set right, or made straight. Hence, right; conformable to truth, rectitude or propriety, or conformable to a just standard; not faulty; free from error. A correct edition of a book is exactly according to the original copy. correct manners correspond with the rules of morality and received notions of decorum. correct principles coincide with the truth. correct language is agreeable to established usage.
CORRECT, verb transitive [Latin See Right.]
1. To make right; to rectify; to bring to the standard of truth, justice, or propriety; as, to correct manners or principles. Hence,
2. To amend; to remove or retrench faults or errors; to set right; as, to correct a book; to correct a copy for the press; or in printing, to correct the press, or errors of the press.
3. To bring back or attempt to bring back to propriety in morals; to punish for faults or deviations from moral rectitude; to chastise; to discipline; as, a child should be corrected for lying.
CORRECT thy son, and he shall give thee rest. Proverbs 29:17.
4. To obviate or remove whatever is wrong or inconvenient; to reduce or change the qualities of any thing by mixture, or other application; to counteract whatever is injurious; as, to correct the acidity of the stomach by alkaline preparations; to correct the relaxing quality of water by boiling it with animal substances.
CORRECTED, participle passive Set right; freed from errors; amended; punished.
CORRECTING, participle present tense Bringing to the standard of truth, justice or propriety; amending; chastising.
See Affliction, Design of; Chastisement; Children, Correction of; Parents; Punishment; Scourging
Affliction, Design of; Chastisement; Children, Correction of; Parents; Punishment; Scourging
CORRECTION, noun [Latin]
1. The act of correcting; the act of bringing back, from error or deviation, to a just standard, as to truth, rectitude, justice or propriety; as the correction of opinions or manners.
All scripture is profitable for correction 2 Timothy 3:16.
2. Retrenchment of faults or errors; amendment; as the correction of a book, or of the press.
3. That which is substituted in the place of what is wrong; as the corrections of a copy are numerous; set the corrections in the margin of a proof-sheet.
4. That which is intended to rectify, or to cure faults; punishment; discipline; chastisement; that which corrects.
Withhold not correction from the child. Proverbs 23:13.
5. In scriptural language, whatever tends to correct the moral conduct, and bring back from error or sin, as afflictions.
They have refused to receive correction Jeremiah 5:3.
My son, despise not the chastening of the Lord, nor be weary of his correction Proverbs 3:11.
6. Critical notice; animadversion.
7. Abatement of noxious qualities; the counteraction of what is inconvenient or hurtful in its effects; as the correction of acidity in the stomach.
House of correction a house where disorderly persons are confined; a bridewell.
CORRECTIONAL, adjective Tending to or intended for correction.
CORRECTIONER, noun One that has been in the house of correction. [Not used.]
CORRECTIVE, adjective Having the power to correct; having the quality of removing or obviating what is wrong, or injurious; tending to rectify; as corrective penalties.
Mulberries are pectoral, corrective of bilious alkali.
1. That which has the power of correcting; that which has the quality of altering or obviating what is wrong, or injurious; as, alkalies are correctives of acids; penalties are correctives of immoral conduct.
2. Limitation; restriction. [Little used.]
CORRECTLY, adverb In a correct manner; in conformity with truth, justice, rectitude, or propriety; according to a standard; agreeable to a copy or original; exactly; accurately; without fault, or error; as, to behave correctly; to write, speak or think correctly; to judge correctly
1. Conformity to truth, justice, or propriety; as the correctness of opinions, of judgment, or of manners.
2. Conformity to settled usages or rules; as correctness in writing or speaking.
3. Conformity to a copy or original; as the correctness of a book.
4. Conformity to established rules of taste or proportion; as the correctness of design in painting, sculpture or architecture.
1. One who corrects; one who amends faults, retrenches error, and renders conformable to truth or propriety, or to any standard; as a corrector of the press; a corrector of abuses.
2. One who punishes for correction; one who amends or reforms by chastisement, reproof or instruction.
3. That which corrects; that which abates or removes what is noxious or inconvenient; an ingredient in a composition which abates or counteracts the force of another; as, an alkali is a corrector of acids.
Turpentine is a corrector of quicksilver.

Bible Usage:
- correct used 7 times.
- corrected used twice.
- correcteth used twice.
- First Reference: Psalms 39:11
- Last Reference: Jeremiah 46:28
- Included in Eastons: No
- Included in Hitchcocks: No
- Included in Naves: No
- Included in Smiths: No
- Included in Websters: Yes
- Included in Strongs: Yes
- Included in Thayers: No
- Included in BDB: Yes
Strongs Concordance: